Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47
The New Testament church has been under relentless attack both internally and externally since its inception in A.D. 33, yet in spite of this persistent tribulation, there were no major schisms in the church for the first 1,000 years! During that millennia, the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church was basically united in faith, hope, and love. It was during this time that the church produced several Divine Liturgies and worship rites as the gospel spread to new lands (e.g., The Liturgy of St. James; The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great; The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom; and the Rite of St. Gregory. At THE CHURCH, we use the Rite of St. Gregory.
St. John the Evangelist isa Western Rite Mission in Port Jervis that emerged out of a small Protestant assembly of conservative, Reformed Baptists. Over the years of faithful worship and practice (to what we knew), we came to realize there is much more to be discovered about sacred Christian worship than our 1689 London Baptist Confession had led us to believe. Desiring to participate in the full, rich Christian experience as enjoyed by the earliest Christians, the Lord brought us into Holy Orthodoxy.
At St. John the EvangelistMission, we are learning to participate fully in the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church, and we welcome all who would like to discover more about this rich life in Christ. We eagerly yet patiently await reception as a community of the Western Rite of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas.
Worship Hours
Saturday Vespers 6:00 PM
Sunday Matins 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM
Divine Liturgy of St. Gregory (Awaiting a priest to officiate Divine Liturgy and administer the Sacraments) Tuesday Bible Study 6:00 PM