Growing and Helping Others Grow in the Faith
Just as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to walk in him.
Be rooted and built up in him, and remain established in the faith as you were taught, overflowing with thanksgiving.
(Colossians 2:6-7)
Be rooted and built up in him, and remain established in the faith as you were taught, overflowing with thanksgiving.
(Colossians 2:6-7)
What are you grateful for? Has God been good to you? Living as one who is learning God’s ways (a disciple), our very lives become reflections of that relationship. Living life as a disciple isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding both here and now, and in eternity for us and others. Being a good steward of God's grace requires us to think about how we are using the talents, time, and treasures we have been given. These reflections then must result in gratitude which challenge us to reach beyond our comfort zones into the world of self-sacrifice. Living the Gospel message is what we have been called to as God's people and when we share ourselves with others in need, we continue Christ’s mission of transforming the world one person at a time. We hope you will take some time to reflect on your life and pray to discern how the Holy Spirit can take you to the next level of faith, hope, and love.
2025 Annual Renewal of Commitments
Our Annual Renewal of Commitments is an important event for our Parish community. It is a time when we are asked to reflect upon God’s blessings and our gratefulness to him for those blessings. In return for our joy in his blessings we are encouraged to consider the way we use God's gifts by giving back to the parish and serving the community in joy, love and evangelization.
Renewing our commitments results in great spiritual benefits for us as individual parishioners and as grateful disciples of Christ— and also for the community as a whole. This year, as a grateful disciple, how will you use your gifts in service?
• TIME - Do I make time for prayer and worship? By myself and with my family?
• TALENT - Is my talent at work within the parish actively building the Body of Christ?
• TREASURE - Do I give a proportionate amount of my treasure to the weekly offertory or donate goods and materials?
* On Commitment Weekend, 4/5/2025, all parish families are asked to fill out an Intent Form below. Visitors to our page are welcome to complete it too and we will reach out to you soon. Thank you.