Your Journey to Sobriety and Recovery Starts Now!
If you have been overcome, overwhelmed, and disheartened in your relentless quest for sobriety from drugs and alcohol, you are not alone! Recovery from addiction begins with you saying, "ENOUGH!" "I want my life back!" (and meaning it).
If you have come to believe in your heart of hearts that drugs and alcohol are you must bitter enemy and you want them out of your life forever, then help is here! Today we invite you to trade in sorrows, broken relationships, regrets, legal problems, and self-disappointment, for freedom and a new, happy way of living. This may seem impossible because addiction has crippled you for a long time and has stolen so much from you, but there is hope! Below are some connections to people who care and can help you change everything if you truly want it! Don’t give addiction one more day to make you unhappy. Reach out now to one or all of the agencies below. May the Lord bless you and lead you in the way of lasting peace.